"[Yesterday was] Donald day, or will it be ultimately recorded as disaster day?
"The world will watch on nervously, fingers crossed that Trump’s minders can restrain his simplistic declarations and pray they don’t impact their nations. ...
"His ignorance is spectacular and if I could trust an honest test, I’d happily bet a million dollars that he couldn’t point to, say, Belgium on a map.
"He was substantially restrained in his first term, thanks largely to the limitations forced on him by the Covid epidemic. However, no-one knew him better than his senior colleagues from that term, namely his vice-President, senior office-holders and others, who to a man have all subsequently came out strongly against him. ...
"Trump is not only driven by ego but arguably more by an obsessive money passion. It’s no surprise that in league with Musk, they’ve created their own crypto currency as an escape route from their financial problems. ...
"On the positive side the next four years will provide wonderful entertainment as we watch the diverse madness of Trump’s constant whims unfold.
"We can (hopefully) in New Zealand, remain immune from any damage that will arise, albeit not so America which will ultimately bear the brunt, should for example Trump’s preposterous import taxes come into play."~ Bob Jones from his post 'D Day'
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
"Disaster Day?"
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@Tom: I was waiting to read your response to the post's specific criticisms: the constitutional ignorance; the J6 pardons; the deportation threats; the damning judgement from former colleagues; the pyramiding crypto grift; the preposterous import taxes that all Americans will have to pay ...
Instead, you've just ignored the criticism and tried to psychologise Jones.
Do better.
I tend to not treat seriously criticism that is unhinged and has proven to be not just wrong but spectacularly wrong, and while I would align with critics on things like crypto and tariffs I'm not going to on things like the J6 pardons.
Sorry to blog-whore but on that last topic I'm not going to re-write what I already put in my blog on the subject months ago. You're disgusted by deportations? I'm disgusted with what the Administrative State creeps pulled against the J6 idiots.
The Great Insurrection, part 1: Sedition & Punishment
The Great Insurrection, part 2: Legal Defence When The Process Is The Punishment
The Great Insurrection, part 3: Political Prisoners & Criminalising Dissent
@ Tom - The moment PC posted this I expected the knee-jerk defensiveness of Trump to come quickly, and you didn’t disappoint. The laughable thing is what you accuse Jones of, Trump is guilty of many magnitudes more. For a moment I even thought you’d had an epiphany, and were talking about your hero Trump.
Jones is becoming more unhinged as he gets older and being wrong about Trump over and over again doesn't seem to slow him down. Best to ignore his tantrums and worry about reality.
@Mart T. The term "knee-jerk" means an involuntary action that happens every time in response to a trigger. Given that I've ignored most of the Trump posts on Not PC it clearly doesn't apply to me. This one seemed worth it because it enlisted the attacks on Trump by a prominent Kiwi libertarian, and my NoMinister post poked the borax at him in the manner with which he has cheerfully done so to others in his lifetime.
Hope you enjoyed Iowahawk's piece from 2008, and I'm glad you saw the amusing similarities between Trump and Jones. With luck someone else will point that out to Jojens personally and the outraged sputtering he enjoys getting from others shall commence from himself.
@ Tom - If it weren't you, it was going to be somebody else who's incapable of acknowledging Trump's flaws. And knee jerk doesn't just mean quickly, it means "a quick reaction that does not allow you time to consider something carefully". There are some stylistic similarities between Jones and Trump - similar age, wealthy, numerous marriages, not afraid to say to what's on their mind, strong use of hyperbole, etc. The main difference is that what's on Jones's mind has a lot more substance and connection to reality. Jones is also intentionally humorous, Trump unintentionally so.
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