Monday, 20 January 2025

“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… "

“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… 
for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you."
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Nietzsche's quote seems an apt one to memorialise today's ceasefire in Gaza. 

Hamas was empowered by Netanyahu's Israel in order (said Netanyahu) to divide Palestinian power. On October 7 a Hamas mob overran slipshod Israeli barriers to rape, butcher and burn 1200 innocent souls and kidnap another 250. And then Netanyahu's Israel began what it said was a battle to eliminate Hamas.

With more signing up daily to join Hamas than can possibly have been eliminated — and Hamas's leader promising ever more atrocities to replicate the "miracle" (his word) of October 7— it seems that the battle to eliminate, or even subdue, Hamas is lost. But in those 471 days of bombings, air strikes and savagery, so too might be the battle for Israel's own soul.

As the Middle East's even remotely individualistic liberal democracy, that could be the biggest loss.


Mark Hubbard said...

So, in the face of the obscenity which was the October 7 atrocity, with the Palestinian supported butchers of Hamas inveigled in terror tunnels built with aid underground throughout Gaza's populated areas, hospitals and universities, what was Israel supposed to do?

And if you go look at the vids, Hamas are still well fed and armed on this ludicrous ceasefire and hostage deal where Israel is forced to give hundreds of raping butchers back, for just three of their hostages (showing who values individual lives).

Peter Cresswell said...

@Mark Hubbard: Every fact both you and I cite is true. Yet whatever Netanyahu said he was doing, it seems evident he didn't do it.

Mark Hubbard said...

'A conservative is a libertarian with daughters.' :) ...

The IDF is a professional, ethical army and they were achieving success in destroying Hamas. But it's a major war. Hamas can regroup for their next atrocity on this ceasefire.

So, all this death and destruction for nothing.

Duncan Bayne said...

I despair over this situation.

The only realistic course for peace is a two-state solution, with mutual recognition and respect between Israel and Palestine.

However it's clear that Hamas is implacably opposed to that, will not ever recognise the state of Israel, and will not surrender. Ever.

And the current Government of Israel is equally implacably opposed to a two-state solution. Understandably and correctly, as long as Hamas is the government of Palestine. But the current government's opposition to a two-state solution is deeper than that, and wouldn't change even *if* Hamas were entirely wiped out.

The only course for peace I can imagine now is for:

1. The Israeli government to change (perhaps as a result of popular dissatisfaction with the brutality and ineffectuality with which they've waged this war), and

2. The Palestinian people to overthrow the monstrous and undemocratic Hamas leadership for people willing to sit at the table with Israel and negotiate in good faith.