Sunday 11 February 2024

Since we've been invited to talk about ancient Russian history ...

... then let's go back to Russia in 862AD:

"They could neither read nor write, were totally ignorant of astronomy and mathematics, medicine and engineering, were familiar neither with philosophical, moral, nor religious teachings, had never seen a casting of iron — if fact they stepped upon the stage of history with empty hands. As Herder, after many years of study of the Slav people wrote ... 'They take up more space on the map than they do in history'....

    "Incapable of solving [their endless and bloody] quarrels themselves, the Slavs called for foreign help. 'We must get ourselves a king,' they said, 'who can rule over us, and lead us properly.' ... So the Slavs sent messengers across the Baltic to the Varangians [i.e., the Vikings who travelled though these undeveloped eastern lands] ... in Roslagen, Sweden ... [This] new empire of the Swedish rulers was rapidly extended towards the alluring south ...

    "Scarcely had the Slavs acquired the status of a major power ... before they embarked, quite characteristically, upon the first of a long series of aggressions against the West...."

~ from Werner Keller's East Minus West = Zero, p. 18-20

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Anonymous said...
