Monday 13 November 2023

"The stark truth is that this war will only end for good when Russia’s neo-imperial dream finally dies."

"Just as the French decided in 1962 that Algeria could become independent of France, just as the British accepted in 1921 that Ireland was no longer part of the United Kingdom, the Russians must conclude that Ukraine is not Russia. ...
    "The stark truth is that this war will only end for good when Russia’s neo-imperial dream finally dies."

~ Anne Applebaum, from her post 'The West Must Defeat Russia
                                                                                [hat tip Tymofiy Mylovanov]


sagenz said...

Tosh and nonsense. Never spotted you for a warmonger like applebaum. Peace with Russia will move when US/NATO agree not to admit Ukraine to Nato and to stop pretending Russia always is the baddie.
Putin was friendly 20 years ago but was betrayed too many times. Leave him and the Russians to coexist in authoritarian led corrupt semi development as they have for centuries. They have enough land but don't want to be encircled. Tou for sovereign Ukraine but they should adopt the prior Finn position and focus on their internal corruption rater than blaming Russia.

Peter Cresswell said...

I know nothing about Applebaum beyond what I quote here.
But she's right.
And Russia *is* the baddie. Both in its internal culture and politics, and its destructive (and farcical) imperial ambitions.
Frankly, I think Ukraine is quite justified in "blaming Russia." After all, it's Russia's failing state and imperial overreach that has puts its mililtary in Ukraine's front yard.

Duncan Bayne said...

> Peace with Russia will move when US/NATO agree not to admit Ukraine to Nato

In other words, you're claiming that peace with Russia will advance when NATO and the US cave to Russia's demands, and accept their illegal invasion of Ukraine was in some way justified.

That's the problem, and is what makes Russia the unequivocal bad guy here.