Tuesday 14 November 2023

"Technology is the glory of human ambition and achievement, the spearhead of progress, and the realisation of our potential.... It is time to be Techno-Optimists."

"Technology is the glory of human ambition and achievement, the spearhead of progress, and the realisation of our potential.
    "For hundreds of years, we properly glorified this – until recently.
    "I am here to bring the good news.
    "We can advance to a far superior way of living, and of being.
    "We have the tools, the systems, the ideas.
    "We have the will.
    "It is time, once again, to raise the technology flag.
    "It is time to be Techno-Optimists.
    "Techno-Optimists believe that societies, like sharks, grow or die.
    "We believe growth is progress – leading to vitality, expansion of life, increasing knowledge, higher well being.
    "We agree with Paul Collier when he says, 'Economic growth is not a cure-all, but lack of growth is a kill-all.'
    "We believe everything good is downstream of growth."
~ tech entrepreneur Marc Andreessen, from his 'Techno-Optimist Manifesto
                                                                                                [hat tip Robert Tracinski]


George Reisman, introducing his presentation 'Environmentalism in Light of Menger and Mises': 
"I consider the substance of my talk to be the refutation of the two essential claims of the environmentalists and then a critique of their essential policy prescription. The two essential claims of the environmentalists, which I take for granted are already well known to everyone, are (1) that continued economic progress is impossible, because of the impending exhaustion of natural resources (it is from this notion that the slogan "reduce, reuse, recycle" comes), and (2) that continued economic progress, indeed, much of the economic progress that we have had up to now, is destructive of the environment and is therefore dangerous...." <<READ MORE>>

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