Friday 20 October 2023

What "blue tsunami"?


I keep hearing talk, from early on election night 'til now, that the election result was a "blue tsunami." 

If that's so, if the vote was so overwhelmingly Blue, then why is the Blue Team still struggling to put a team together?

In what universe is a vote of fewer than 40% a tsunami? Less a tidal wave, and more of a simple tidal movement.

It's not so much a blue tsunami coming in, as it is a red wave going out.

See if you even notice the difference. in what they do.


PaulVD said...

The "blue tsunami" reflects the ignorance of the journalists and their focus on electorate results. There was indeed a tsunami: a great many Labour electorate MPs were swept way and replaced by National MPs (and Maori and Green MPs in a few cases). That makes a good story for the innumerate. But the shift in party vote was much more modest, and (as you say) left National struggling to form a government. There was no blue tsunami in Parliament.
So the story about MPs is that National now has lots of electorate and very few List MPs (45 and 5, previously 23 and 10), while Labour has few electorate MPs and a great many List MPs (17 and 17, previously 46 and 19).

Paranormal said...

And all because of Nationals strategic stupidity. In failing to rule out Winston it gave Winston first oxygen to take votes off National. Which is why they’re in this position.