Monday 10 June 2024

Reason v Force


“If men uphold reason, they will be led, ultimately, to conclude that men should deal with one another as free agents, settling their disputes by an appeal to the mind, i.e., by a process of voluntary, rational persuasion. If men reject reason, they will be led, ultimately, to conclude the opposite: that men have no way to deal with one another at all—no way except physical force, wielded by an elite endowed with an allegedly superior, mystic means of cognition.”
~ philosopher Leonard Peikoff from his book The Ominous Parallels


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No one reads you . i just came here to laugh . I destroyed you and you never recovered , you globalist faggot POS

I owned you and you never recovered , you sold out faggot lol

Socialist Hashshashin