Monday 1 May 2023

"We do not train teachers in a way that adequately prepares them for the classroom"

"We do not train teachers in a way that adequately prepares them for the classroom.... high-quality teaching depends on high-quality training.
    "It does not take academics to train teachers. What it does take are people who know how children learn, and can impart that knowledge to teachers-in-training....
    "We should relieve university lecturers involved in teacher training from any expectation to be ‘research-active’. That would make it easier for institutions that don’t have research-active staff to have postgraduate teaching qualifications approved. [Above all, t]o improve the quality of teacher training, we must break the universities’ near-monopoly on initial teacher education and open the door to competition..."

~ Michael Johnston, from his op-ed 'It doesn't take academics to train teachers'

1 comment:

MarkT said...

We shouldn't need all, in fact most teachers to be degree qualified - for the same reason we don't need most people working on my civil engineering projects to have an engineering degree.