Saturday 29 April 2023

"Burning books that we don’t approve of is the only way to stop fascism."

"There has been much handwringing in the press lately over the progressive rewriting of Roald Dahl’s books, as though this were a bad thing. If I had my way, every copy of every book by every straight white male would be incinerated. Burning books that we don’t approve of is the only way to stop fascism....
    "[I]nstead of simply tinkering with children’s literature, why not just stop teaching children how to speak in the first place? .... To live in a truly free society, there must be limits on individual forms of verbal expression. So, if we never talk to children, or provide them with books, they will simply grow up without the capacity to express hateful ideas.
    "I can’t believe no one else has thought of this."
~ satirist Titania McGrath, from 'her' post 'Speaking English is Colonial Terrorism'

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