Saturday 15 April 2023

But doesn't this describe *most* of today's MSM?

"Where, previously, journalists uncovered conspiracies, corruption, shady dealings or corporate malfeasance, the BBC’s new shiny role is to uncover opinions that don’t match its editorial lines and ensure they don’t get reported."
~ Jeffrey Peel


Thought for the Day: 

"To build trust in the media, media must be trustworthy."
~ Paul Litterick 

From research by Dr Merja Myllylahti, ref: Paul Litterick


WWallace said...

Apparently this section of a BBC interview with Elon Musk was not broadcast. You'll see why when he challenges the interviewer about 'hate' speech (and about BBC misinformation).

Tom Hunter said...

Musk insisted that he also be allowed to record the whole thing live, to avoid all the usual "editing" BS they try and pull, especially when they get stuck.

The whole thing also showcases their failing power; some or much of the MSM may not have broadcast that section - but it was all over Twitter other social media sites and blogs so tens of millions have seen it, and there's nothing the MSM can do about that.