Friday 14 April 2023

Child Poverty: "I'll take that bet."

"Still puzzled by the existence of child poverty some years after PM Ardern decided to abolish it? You might be interested to know that the question was addressed at the same time by a couple of Brits. More transparently; and – one imagines – with much the same success.
    "In fact, they went a bit further in ensuring the experiment would tangibly impact on the decision-makers themselves. They made a bet of it.
    "In the red corner, Jonathan Portes wagered £1000 that withdrawal of state benefits would propel the UK’s child poverty rate from a dreadful 31% to an appalling 41%. It doesn’t work that way, said Christopher Snowdon from the blue corner, accepting the bet.
    "Five years later, the measured UK child poverty rate was 29%. Snowdon had won."
~ Bob Edlin + Ian Templeton, from their post 'Blessed are the Poor in Jargon'


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