Tuesday 10 July 2018

Bonus QotD: "So it turns out that dressing up economic protectionism, white supremacism and tribalism as a defence of western civilisation has flushed out many things once deservedly dead and buried..."

"So it turns out that dressing up economic protectionism, white supremacism and tribalism as a defence of western civilisation has flushed out many things once deservedly dead and buried...
    "Encouraged ... by the phoney equation that being politically incorrect also means being noxious--by the non-thinking that says that if “they” are against it, then “we” must be for it – what this unthinking reaction has produced is the non-idea that the appropriate response to “their” racism is to go hard out on your own.
    "With some, the racism is genuine (and genuinely unwelcome). With others like Stefan Molyneux, it’s more like a career move...
    "Strange are the things people turn to when they think that the world is on fire. Stranger still how they think eugenics and white supremacy would help extinguish and not fan it."

~ excerpt from my 2017 post 'Friends don’t let friends listen to Stefan Molyneux'


lolitasbrother said...

No we're not dead and buried >> far from it . We're crushing the left. It's hard to know where the liberals are, I don't they're going to make it somehow. All talk and never show up for the rough stuff. Friends who won't watch Molyneux or are friends aho can't stomach evidence based reality. Guess who went to South Africa on behalf of white farmers
> Not a liberal>> A white woman..

Peter Cresswell said...

"Crushing the left" by adopting their tactics, strategies, and identity politics is not any kind of "winning" -- it's being captured.
It's idiotic.
Not to mention the idiocy of defining "winning" as beating up on the left, rather than promoting (and, first, understanding) the reason, individualism and tolerance that actually does (still) make the west great.
And BTW: who exactly is this "we," white man?

Rick said...

Exactly, well said.

It's our process, our methodology, our Common Law, that makes us who we are. Not the ends. What does it profit the libertarian if he "wins" but gives up his soul?

"With others like Stefan Molyneux, it’s more like a career move..."

Also true. I closely watched it all unfold!