Tuesday 9 July 2024

"The suggestion is that the loss of Newshub and associated jobs is tantamount to the Last Trumpet. It is not."

"[Playwright] Eugene O’Neill said that by using the title 'Mourning Becomes Electra,' he sought to convey 'that mourning befits Electra; it becomes Electra to mourn; it is her fate; black is becoming to her and it is the colour that becomes her destiny.'
    "Newshub went off the air on Friday 5 July 2024. This was reckoned to be a sad day. Sad because a mainstream media platform was no longer being supported by its owners. Particularly sad for those who lost their jobs. In fact the outpouring of grief on that front has been repetitive to the point of banality. ...
    "I have always wondered at the media’s fascination with itself. It is, as [one commentator] suggests, 'an unedifying orgy of self-aggrandisement as Newshub journalists and broadcasters very publicly and ostentatiously mourn the imminent loss of their jobs…..
    "The suggestion is that the loss of Newshub and associated jobs is tantamount to the Last Trumpet. It is not. The Newshub closure represents a certain inevitability that those who worked for it have failed to recognise or understand. [Ironic for an organisation allegedly reporting the news.]
    "The communications landscape has changed utterly. ... Their self-absorbed narrative [has not.] ...[L]ike Elektra’s, [it remains] one of grief."

~ David Harvey from his post 'Mourning Becomes the Media'

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