Monday 11 March 2024

Compare and contrast

"When it comes to the TV business," says TV interviewer Jack Tame, "it’s clear the traditional economic models are no longer fit for purpose."

"When it comes to the CD business," says CD maker Jack Vame, "it’s clear the traditional economic models are no longer fit for purpose."

"When it comes to the typewriter business," says typewriter maker Jack Wame, "it’s clear the traditional economic models are no longer fit for purpose."

"When it comes to the horse-drawn carriage business," says horse-drawn carriage manufacturer Jack Xame, "it’s clear the traditional economic models are no longer fit for purpose."

"When it comes to the steam-engine business," says steam-engine manufacturer Jack Yame, "it’s clear the traditional economic models are no longer fit for purpose."

"When it comes to the hand-loom business," says weaver and hand-loom manufacturer Jack Zame, "it’s clear the traditional economic models are no longer fit for purpose."

1 comment:

MarkT said...

Well said.

The only sense in which "the traditional economic model" should be adjusted is that perhaps the advertising market in our small nation could adequately finance one news service, but can't do TV1 and TV3 combined when TV1 is propped up by government. Perhaps if TV3 alone were in the market and TV1 weren't subsidised up to this point, there would be enough advertising revenue to at least sustain one.