Sunday 8 October 2023

Pure Nihilism

He's right. Hamas's attack on Israel has nothing to gain beyond destruction.
This has less Yom Kippur and more 9/11 vibes. In Yom Kippur Arabs had a goal: recapturing Sinai and Golan. Today is pure nihilism; Hamas knows there’s zero to be gained. This is about killing for the sake of it, towards no goal. See how gleefully they post the lynched bodies on their social media. Nihilistic death-worshippers, like their Iranian overlords.
Meanwhile, says John Minto,  who's never seen a Palestinian terror attack he hasn't applauded, says: "The Hamas attacks are understandable."

Don't -- whatever else you do -- don't be like John.


Terry said...

Hamas advertises its identity in its name, which is an acronym in Arabic that spells "violence" in Hebrew, with a particular connotation of violence that is unjust and evil.


Libertyscott said...

A theocratic ultra-conservative far right death cult, which the hard left gives a complete free pass to because stucturalism and intersectionality deems them to be oppressed... because the oppressor is deemed to be "ultra-white"