Wednesday 16 August 2023

"What Treaty Principles? There are none. "

Cartoon by Nick Kim
"What Treaty Principles? There are none.
    "The Attorney General responded to my request for a copy of the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi by saying that there is no ‘authoritative copy’ of the Treaty Principles, but he said they have been ‘explored and discussed’ by the courts and the Waitangi Tribunal. (Letter available from the Attorney General’s office – just write and ask him for it.)
    "Exploration and discussion does not a principle make....
    "There is an escalation of the Treaty Principles being incorporated into legislation, and the wording is changing and escalating alongside it. From the old days it was ‘have regard to’. Then it became ‘have regard and give effect to’, now we get the ‘give effect to and provide for’ the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi. Fascinating when no-one seems to know what they are."

~ Sandra Goudie, from her post 'What Treaty Principles?'


MarkT said...

The cartoon is excellent. But I can only half agree with the words below it.

I agree that exploration and discussion does not a principle make. But there doesn't need to be an authoritive document explaining the principles for them to exist either.

We can disagree with the alleged principles that are advanced, without claiming they don't exist.

Any principle usually exists without an authoritive document. People come up with different explanations and applications of the principle. Happens even with Objectivism.

Peter Cresswell said...
