Thursday 17 August 2023

"...the perfect alibi..."

"Trump, a disgrace to not just America but to the human race, is staring down the barrel at lengthy prison sentences.
    "But, he has the perfect alibi, namely to plead insanity. The supporting evidence is indisputable."

~ Bob Jones, from his post 'The Abomination's Perfect Alibi''



Haha. Sir Bob Jones.
The most rapid anti Trumper in New ZEaland.

Whereas I enjoy his writing in general.
His anti Trump rhetoric doesn't cut the mustard.

We all have our peccadillos. Trump is Bob Jones's

Tom Hunter said...


Of course I have to provide the throat-clearing {cough} piece that I don't like Trump and did not approve of some of his policies (but did others) before pointing out that he is merely a symptom of gross systemic failure in the USA.

I'm not going to re-write here what I've already written at No Minister but if you or Bob would care to read you might begin to understand what happened in 2015-16 and what's still happening, indictments aside.

Back in your cagie, cagie, wagie, wagie

Continental Drift and Its Victims

Proles and Deplorables (that last written in response to an earlier Jones outburst about Trump.

Tom Hunter said...

Oh, and while the now infamous piece written by Yale graduate Kevin Williamson in National Review as Trump rose in the polls, is buried in one of my posts above it deserves to be spelled out loud again:

The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die. Economically, they are negative assets. Morally, they are indefensible. Forget all your cheap theatrical Bruce Springsteen crap. Forget your sanctimony about struggling Rust Belt factory towns and your conspiracy theories about the wily Orientals stealing our jobs. Forget your goddamned gypsum, and, if he has a problem with that, forget Ed Burke, too.

The white American underclass is in thrall to a vicious, selfish culture whose main products are misery and used heroin needles. Donald Trump’s speeches make them feel good. So does OxyContin. What they need isn’t analgesics, literal or political. They need real opportunity, which means that they need real change, which means that they need U-Haul.

To paraphrase Sally Field's famous line: They hate you. They really, really hate you. And I say that as one of the educated, wealthy, Rogernomics-supporting people who "you" would constitute as "they".

But the difference is that I get it. Bob Jones doesn't - and he proudly doesn't care. Frankly PC, despite all the respect I have for you and your philosophy, neither do you.

Tom Hunter said...

Meh! One more:
The main problem, and this really is the main problem on the right, is that the people who run the Republican Party don’t really like their own voters. They especially don’t want the voters that Trump brought. Trump brought a noticeably downscale element to the party’s ranks, and this horrifies them.

Many Republicans in Washington now despise the people they’re supposed to represent and protect. In fact, it’s not just Republican leaders who feel this way, but our entire leadership class. You rarely hear it spoken out loud, but it’s the truth.

A very specific form of intra-White loathing is at the core of the reaction to Donald Trump. Nothing is more repulsive to socially anxious White professionals than working class people who look like them. The proles are their single greatest fear. They remind them of where they may have come from or where they could be going if things turn south.

So if you want to understand the hatred — not just disagreement, but gut-level loathing and fear of Trump in, say, New York or Washington or Los Angeles — you’ve got to understand that first. It’s not really Trump, it’s his voters. The new money class despises them.
Trump didn’t despise them, and that really was his secret. In the end, Donald Trump did not judge his own voters. Trump ate McDonald’s and his voters were very grateful for it. You’d be grateful for it, too, if everyone else hated you.

Peter Cresswell said...

Tom, your man is little more than an American Winston Peters, with more bluster, a bigger jet, and a more complicated hairdo.

Neither gives a fig for their voters — the underdogs and “underclass” who give them power — beyond the ticket they give them into power.

Indeed, their power-lust is so transparent, you do have to wonder whether their "underclass" voters are really safe outside on their own cognisance.

Nigel Sim said...

Bob says a lot of things. Didn't he say last year that large numbers of the Parliament Protesters would die from Covid?

MarkT said...

It's clear that Trump does has some appeal to a significant portion of the population, but so what? Taking the gist of what Tom has said, if the only reason for the appeal is that he likes (or pretends to like) those that the smug left don't, it's not enough to deserve our support is it? Nor does it require all those words to understand. The enemy of our enemy is not necessarily our friend, they can just be another enemy. If you lack confidence in your own position and a trickster comes along feeding your fears, it can start to look that way though. Hitler did that in the 30's by tapping into a fear of communism.