Wednesday, 30 August 2023

Productivity? Or the opposite... ?

"Anyway, here is how the chart of labour productivity levels looks [now] across countries....

"[I]f there is something to that point [that measurements may differ across countries] ... [we might make] comparisons of how New Zealand has or has not dropped down the OECD league tables ... over the last 10 years ... a period half governed by Labour and half by National.
    "Here I’ve shown (ranked top to bottom) the levels of real GDP for 2012 and 2022, and in the final column I’ve identified where a country has changed by more than two rankings over that decade:

"Most of the material movements are in the bottom half of the table. There are some stellar performers, most notably Turkey and Poland. And there are some really really mediocre ones: Portugal and our own New Zealand. We’ve dropped six ranking places in a club of only 37 members in just a decade....
    "But there is no sign that either of our major parties (well, or the minor parties) care, or have any ideas, any credible narrative, to reverse our economic decline."

~ Michael Reddell, from his post 'Does any political party care?'
UPDATE: To make the comparisons even clearer ... or more stark:

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