Saturday 19 August 2023

"...perhaps the reason the technology is innovative and fast-growing is because nobody is regulating it..."

"AI doomerism is the fear that more powerful artificial intelligence will lead us to the robot apocalypse envisioned for decades in science fiction. Second, and closely related, is the idea that the first thing emerging new technology requires is government regulation....
    "This is a long-standing trend in media reporting on emerging technology. The pattern for every new article is: “Here’s this innovative and fast-growing new technology—but nobody’s regulating it!” The authors rarely pause to consider that perhaps the reason the technology is innovative and fast-growing is because nobody is regulating it or imposing a moratorium on new research."

~ Robert Tracinski, from his post 'Doomers Versus Zoomers'

1 comment:

MarkT said...

Indeed. Imagine how retarded information technology would be like if it was regulated the same way construction and development is regulated. Or imagine how far construction and development might come if it was regulated as lightly as information technology is.