Tuesday 8 August 2023

"Let's be clear, the Greens require socialist state control to achieve their goals."

"Let's be clear, the Greens require socialist state control to achieve their goals. Their constant and divisive analysis of class warfare ... is self-fulfilling: The entrepreneurial class will get cancelled, and the state become an inefficient bourgeoisie. 
    "[They offer] only a one-dimensional school of thought: 
    • The excesses of the ‘rich’ post colonialists are to blame for climate change and the socio-economic inequities of capitalist society. 
    • Market-driven capitalists should be consigned to unforgiving repentance. 
    • The wealthy should fund the state that unfortunately still relies on its taxes until the silent revolution can acquire the historically ill-gotten assets. 
    • This narrative relies on stable economic growth (GDP) but its fundamental flaw is that economic growth, by the Greens own analysis and admission, is in their view destroying the planet. 
    • Yet a Greens government [would need] the derivative wealth from a market-led economic multiplier for their social and climate justice agenda. 
    • Meanwhile the breakdown of law and order further undermines society and economy.
"The Greens fail to point out any actual international successes of these economically destructive policies and models.
    "There is no nuance, no understanding of markets, no acknowledgement of ‘equitable’ wealth generation and distribution or how to achieve it... The reality is the greens policy requires totalitarianism and is championed on the back of [allegedly] imminent and catastrophic climate change. It is nothing short of a Marxist revolution in a green guise. ...
    "James Shaw ignores the impossibility of the utopic vision, knowingly championing vacuous policy from a position of privilege. Marama Davidson provides no economic intelligence and more incoherent ideology. Chloe Swarbrick seems to be now mired in class rhetoric and social justice issues. None of them show any capability or realisation for their inevitable and ultimately necessary coalition of the state with corporations that they will have to turn to as social control dissipates with economic contraction.
    "The Greens now represent the implosion of our society as we know it."
~ Alastair Boyce, from his post 'The Greens's Agenda v Reality'


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