Friday 11 August 2023

It's all about the "narrative," not about the science.

In the beginning, it was simply "global warming." Then, when the 1988-2013 Pause proved that title insufficiently accurate, it became "climate change." But as that was insufficiently frightening it quickly became a "climate crisis," then a "climate emergency," and now ... "global boiling":
"‘The era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived’, decreed UN chief António Guterreslast week. It’s hard to know what’s worse: the hubris and arrogance of this globalist official who imagines he has the right to declare the start of an entire new age, or the servile compliance of the media elites who lapped up his deranged edict about the coming heat death of Earth....
    "Guterres issued his neo-papal bull about the boiling of our world in response to [recent] heatwaves that have hit some countries ... ‘Climate change is here [and] it is terrifying’, he said. We see ‘families running from the flames [and] workers collapsing in scorching heat’ and ‘it is just the beginning’, he said, doing his best impersonation of a 1st-century millenarian crackpot. In fact, forget ‘climate change’, he said. Forget ‘global warming’, too. What we’re witnessing is a boiling. It all brings to mind the Bible's Book of Job which warned that the serpent Leviathan would cause the seas to ‘boil like a cauldron’. Leviathan’s back, only we call him climate change now....
    "Let’s be clear: ‘global boiling’ is not a factual or scientific phrase. Rather, it represents yet another ramping up of the green politics of fear. It’s the latest addition to the already fat dictionary of eco-dread. Economic inflation isn’t the only problem we face today – there’s threat inflation, too. The catastrophism of climate change in particular is puffed up on pretty much a weekly basis. This is why we’ve gone from climate change to climate crisis to climate emergency. And it’s why we’re now going from global warming to global boiling. Language is used to terrorise the masses, to snap us out of our supposed apathetic coolness on the issue of climate change and force us to agree with the cranky elites that the end really is nigh, and it’s our fault....

"They’re lying to us. Forget global boiling ... Forget global warming, even. It’s global gaslighting we should be worried about. If gaslighting, in the words of the Oxford Dictionary, is ‘the process of making somebody believe untrue things in order to control them’, then that lunatic Evening Standard cover [asking 'Who Will Stop earth Burning'] was classic gaslighting. The planet is not on fire. Earth is not burning. These are untruths. This is delirium, not journalism; fearmongering, not fact-gathering. And the aim, it seems to me, is to try to control us; to frighten us with pseudo-Biblical prophesies of hellfire and doom until we obediently bow down to the eco-ideology....
    "The more pressing point is this: no one needs to stop Earth from burning because Earth isn’t burning. You can’t put out a fire that doesn’t exist. As Bjorn Lomborg said last week, the idea that the ‘world is ablaze’ is pure bunkum....
    "Heat has always been with us. What’s different today is our apocalyptic interpretation of heat as Gaia’s violent punishment of flying, driving, shopping, eating, polluting, horrible mankind. It isn’t the weather that’s changed so much as our willingness to see weather as a reprimand by the gods for our exploitation of nature’s resources....
    "[B]eing told that humans are a plague on the planet – when in truth life expectancy has risen and deaths from natural disasters have plummeted in accordance with industrial breakthroughs – I know misanthropy is at play more than calm, honest fact-gathering."
~ Brendan O'Neill, composite quote from his posts 'Global boiling? Don’t be ridiculous' and 'The real crisis is global gaslighting

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