Wednesday, 5 July 2023

Mayor(s) behaving "badly"

While all about are losing their heads over some wine at dinner, this guy at least (below) makes a lot of sense:

Things like the things these mayors (and other politicians) do in their day job. Focus on that bad behaviour.

1 comment:

MarkT said...

I agree. It may be tempting and even cathartic to get up a politician we don't like for minor infractions. But the problem is it sets up a false priority of values, whereby you're less likely to get up them for real and serious infractions. You're aiding and abetting a shift of values from what matters to what doesn't.

It's similar to many modern workplace environments, particularly but not exclusively in the public service. You can often get away with any manner of incompetence in doing your actual job, but if you casually utter some benign comment that is deemed insufficiently woke, you're toast.