Tuesday 18 July 2023

'Abusers Give Vice a Bad Name'

"The difference between me and normal observers: I don’t consider extreme abusers or 'addicts' to be victims. I consider them victimisers. They aren’t a symptom of a greater social problem. They are the greater social problem. Abusers have and continue to make evil choices. Granted, it logically possible to end up on Fentanyl Row through tremendously bad luck. Empirically, however, everything I’ve read on poverty convinces me that the root cause of such residence is almost invariably extraordinarily irresponsible behaviour. (Even a mild dose of the Success Sequence will keep you off the street: Read Adam Shephard’s 'Scratch Beginnings' for a blueprint.)
    "Abusers don’t just mistreat their families, friends, neighbours, and passersby. Even worse, they give vice a bad name."

~ Bryan Caplan from his post 'Abusers Give Vice a Bad Name'

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