Tuesday, 4 July 2023

"A final comment on polls ... they simply don’t work anymore"

"A final comment on polls. For the reasons I’ve explained, they simply don’t work anymore, specifically the vast majority of people now being open-minded floating voters. This was illustrated by the recent Australian Federal election when on election eve we were told the polls had it 50/50. The next day’s vote produced a landslide to Labour.
    "So too in Britain with the Brexit vote with the pollsters claiming it was 50/50 but the actual vote produced a vastly different story. Or in America in 2016 when on election eve Huffington claimed their independent pollster had Trump’s chances at 2%. But the next day, admittedly without a majority over Clinton, he became President, and so it goes.
    "For the record, I’m not a National Party supporter and last voted for them in 1981.
    "Labour governments have shaped New Zealand since 1935, albeit by necessity in their first two terms whereupon, the Clark government excepted, they go power mad. I vividly remember every election since 1949 and unhesitantly say the current government is the most incompetent and damaging in the country’s history. In a little over 3 months time they will be wiped out, to such an extent they may never recover."
~ Bob Jones, from his post 'The Political Polls'

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