Tuesday 2 May 2023

"The leadership of James Shaw & Marama Davidson seems to embody constant compromise accompanied by a wholesale rejection of rationality itself"

"In sharp contrast to the leadership of Jeanette Fitzsimons and Rod Donald, who, respectively, embodied the movement’s fidelity to science and its duty to challenge the economic status quo, the leadership of James Shaw and Marama Davidson seems to embody constant compromise with the Powers That Be, accompanied by a wholesale rejection of rationality itself. As election day approaches, it is becoming increasingly difficult to construct a rationale for remaining loyal to the off-putting political force that the Greens are turning into."
~ Chris Trotter, from his post 'Is it 'Game Over' for the Greens?'



Libertyscott said...

There was no fidelity to science in Jeanette Fitzsimons who perpetuated the scaremongering misinformation of activists about GMOs and nuclear energy, which remain constants in NZ public policy today.

Peter Cresswell said...

Indeed, and I made that point many times when I opposed her in Coromandel.
But this is Trotter.
And it shows how far from rationality these two must be when they make Fitzsimplesimons look sane.