Thursday 27 April 2023

"If everything is an existential threat and words are violence, real violence can seem more and more to be justified."


"The politicisation of science, the honing of the activists tools for cancellation of people they don’t like, and the involvement of government in collusion with big tech and media to control 'disinformation' ... may [well] alienate and attack so many people that their supporters become a minority....
    "It is indeed ironic [however] that those who claim to be squashing existential threats to democracy, have themselves caused a climate of growing acceptance of intimidation and threats, political violence and serious violations of ... law. If everything is an existential threat and words are violence, real violence can seem more and more to be justified."

~ David Young from his post 'How the Disinformation Industrial Complex is destroying trust in science' [hat tip Watts Up With That]

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