Friday 24 March 2023

"Words are not weapons"

"Of course, words can hurt, but they do not hurt in the same way or to the same extent as sticks, stones, fists, knives or guns.
    "Words are not weapons. Words are what we use instead of weapons, to express disagreement and assert our claims as we negotiate how to live together despite our differences, under the rule of law and without recourse to violence.
    "If we equate words with weapons, we risk weapons being seen as no worse than words."

~ Dr David Brommell, senior associate of the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, from his op-ed 'Words are not weapons and disagreement is not hate'

1 comment:

MarkT said...

Well said. But increasing the reality is not just that weapons are seen as equivalent to words, but they’re seen as preferable to words.