Sunday 5 February 2023

"Psychologically, [the goal] is the erosion of ambition."


"Politically, the goal of today's dominant trend is statism. Philosophically, the goal is the obliteration of reason; psychologically, it is the erosion of ambition.
    "The political goal presupposes the two others."

~ Ayn Rand, from her essay 'Tax Credits for Education,' included in the collection The Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought  [hat tip Society for Reason]



Michael said...

Peter, please share these pieces on Facebook! Here there is no follow option, and I don’t always check your site, so it’s much better when they show up in fb timelines.

Anonymous said...

How true. Nothing has changed for thousands of years.

Duncan Bayne said...

Michael, just use a feed aggregator app! The feed for this blog is at, and once subscribed, you'll get notifications whenever Peter posts new content.

There are *many* feed aggregators out there - some free, some proprietary, some local apps, some Web-based ...

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, when someone quotes Ayn Rand, we know where they stand. They are against workers being paid a living wage. They want a free market only to be able to legally gouge the populace. They applauded when “The Glass-Steagall Act” was was repealed in 1999 as part of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Subprime Mortgage-backed Securities gave us the financial crisis of 2008 because of that. I know you disagree but the banks were free to do whatever they wanted. It’s behavioural economics. You believe the myth of Reagan's trickle down theory, an excuse to give the rich more money in the hope that they may spend some of it. (That’s what the money heist series was all about). You believe that giving the American cheese manufacturers outrageous amounts of subsidies while mountains of cheese sit rotting in caves. We are not supposed to know about that so you attack Canada, shaming them for the subsidies they hand out. Before Reagan you were not allowed to advertise to children. You are the ones who are guilty of obliterating reason by hold the idea that greed is good. You get the gold while we get the consequences of what you had to do to get rich. You poison the air and water. You kill the soil with chemical fertilizers and patent our food, GMO’s that have been proven to cause health problems. You hold back cures because its to disruptive to the flow of profit to the medical cartel. When Dr. Barry James Marshall found the cure for the ulcer, he was laughed out of conferences for 25 years. He discovered that H-pylori caused ulcers and received the Nobel prize for medicine. He stated that he destroyed a $3 billion industry. (an industry that should never have existed but I know you disagree)
You want the population to be uneducated so the dumb down, brain washed and mind controlled can be easily manipulated. You don’t care how you make your money as long as you make it. Let’s see. You voted to pay people a $2.50 minimum wage in some states while pocketing the difference, overcharge for your goods and services and all the while pay no tax. You hide profits with transfer pricing and allow the banks to publish financial statements that don’t balance, thanks to the off the balance sheet debt. Lets see, most countries are not sovereign for they may not print their own money. They have to print debt, on which interest will be paid forever and exchange that for cash at a central foreign bank like the Fed or BoC who get their cash out of the thin air. It’s not real. It does not exist. President Kennedy gave the right and the privilege of printing money back to the treasury, Bill 11110. So every time the Fed prints money they are breaking the law.
You believes in monopolies. Monopolies destroy democracies because there is no competition as is the requirement of a free market.
Children go to university and end up debtors for the rest of their lives. People become ill and if survive, end up going bankrupt because of the medical expenses being so high. We need medical doctors, not millionaire doctors.
I could go on but it is pointless. Those who are disciples of Ayn Rand believe that they are right and will never change their mind. They believe in a feudalistic, colonizing capitalism that can only support the few as they brutally abuse the many.

So it has been written for that is how it was done.

Peter Cresswell said...

An anonymous post. And clear enough why you’re too embarrassed to put your name to it.

There’s an awful lot you apparently “know” about someone when they quote Ayn Rand. I’m truly fascinated to discover that I wake up every morning and applaud
* Feudalism
* Brutalisation of workers
* Monopolies
* Mis-education
* Cheese subsidies
* Debt organised into currency
* Poisoning the air and water
* Over-regulation of medicine

It’s especially fascinating, since I’ve written so much opposing
* Feudalism
* Brutalisation of workers
* Monopolies
* Mis-education
* Cheese subsidies
* Debt organised into currency
* Poisoning the air and water
* Over-regulation of medicine

But thank goodness you see through me. Mea culpa, eh.

But you do have me on (checks notes) attacking Canada. Fair cop.

MarkT said...

Get it right Pete, you clearly didn't follow the nuance of his allegations. You support US cheese subsidies, but oppose Canadian cheese subsidies. We all know where someone stands on who should and shouldn't have cheese subsidies when they quote Ayn Rand.

Peter Cresswell said...

Ah, you have me! I clearly need to spend more time with Rand's Globalist Bible on Cheesy Protections.