Tuesday 6 December 2022

"So what's actually wrong with private companies providing water infrastructure and services?"

"Even the Government's own report acknowledges that
it is PRIVATE water companies that perform well."
"What virtually NO-one in the media has asked ... is: why the fear of privatising water? ...
    "It is thanks to muddled-headed Marxists like [Pennie Bright and] Eugenie Sage that water remained the most unreformed infrastructure sector [in the 1990s], leaving it in the idealised world of 'local democracy' ... largely staying away from people paying for what they use, but rather taxing everyone so the biggest users of water (typically businesses) get subsidised by the smallest users (typically people living on their own). That's socialism for you.
    "Yet what does privatisation of water look like? DIA's own report ... has a handy chart [comparing] the relative performance of ten [privately-owned] English water companies, with government-owned water companies in Northern Ireland and Scotland, and New Zealand council-owned water providers.
    "All of the private water companies outperform the others.... In other words, not only are private water companies in England performing better than the New Zealand council owned examples, but they have been outperforming Scottish Water - which has been the pin-up case study for the Ardern Government....
    "So what's actually wrong with private companies providing water infrastructure and services?
    "Why wont any Opposition MPs say there are benefits ... ?"

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