Tuesday 15 February 2022

Thankfully, it wouldn't happen here ...


"Several academic and polling studies have shown an increasing divide between the political right and political left in the US, and that the divide has expanded largely because the left-wing has moved much further left. Case in point: it would have been unthinkable in 1990 for Democrats to openly call themselves socialists or express admiration for communist dictatorships, but that’s all cool today. As the left-ward shift has occurred, demand for ideological conformity among the left has increased. Hence the invention of cancel culture: you must hold our opinions or you’re a bad person who we must humiliate, dox, and destroy. Centrists and moderates are now suddenly finding themselves labeled by leftists as 'right-wing' or even 'extreme right-wing'.”

1 comment:

Andrew B said...

The left have moved further left?

Though still advocates of collectivist dictatorship (only by 'more efficient' means), the left have just flip-turned and become fascists, in a reversal somewhat akin to the occasional reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles.

They rebranded fascism as stakeholder capitalism (aka the 3rd way). But they kept its emphasis on social responbility (aka ESG aka triple bottom line reporting, which is straight from Nazi spokesman Ernst Huber's 1939 declaration that "All property is common property. The owner is bound by the people and the Reich to the responsible management of his goods. His legal position is only justified when he satisfies this responsibility to the community.”)

They attacked anyone who opposed them, branding their opponents as fascsists and Nazis, while embracing Nazi tactics such as through Antifa rallies. (We are at war with Eurasia. We have always been at war with East Asia.)