Saturday 12 February 2022

"Money, like chocolate on a hot oven, was melting in the pockets of the people..."

"Inflation and credit expansion, the preferred methods of present day government openhandedness, do not add anything to the amount of resources available. They make some people more prosperous, but only to the extent that they make others poorer."
          ~ Ludwig von Mises, from his book Bureaucracy

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This matter of inflation is so misunderstood due to the fact that our present day social system perpetuates the package deal of the concept money. Our so called theory, quantity of money, to help define inflation is false. Our fiat paper currency is not money it's credit. In reducing this further the fiat credit is counterfeit since it can't be extinguished. Many useless ingredients (government intervention) cause inflation. The never ending issuance of counterfeit credit is certainly tops on the list of the ingredients. Robert Lamb