Friday, 27 November 2020

Heroes everywhere

"Let us in education always call the attention of children to the hosts of men and women who are hidden from the light of fame, so kindling a love of humanity; not the vague and anaemic sentiment preached today as brotherhood, nor the political sentiment that the working classes should be redeemed and uplifted. What is most wanted is no patronising charity for humanity, but a reverent consciousness of its dignity and worth." 
        ~ Maria Montessori, from To Educate the Human Potential

[Hat tip Carrie-Ann Biondi


1 comment:

Dinwar said...

My wedding ring is made out of steel, in part as a constant reminder of this concept. Steel is foundational to our society, yet most of us take it for granted. Far too many jobs are like that. Growing up among civil engineers, truck drivers, machinists, and housewives, I got a good understanding of what exactly it actually takes to keep the world quietly humming along, and those people deserve far more praise than most realize!