Tuesday 2 June 2020

"It's stunning how tribal Americans have become. The Left gets its marching orders from MSM, the Right from Fox and White House. Then they go out and -- repeat, repeat, repeat. No argument, no thinking, just talking points..." #QotD

"It's stunning how tribal Americans have become. The Left gets its marching orders from MSM, the Right from Fox and White House. Then they go out and -- repeat, repeat, repeat. No argument, no thinking, just talking points..."
          ~ Yaron Brook


Peter Cresswell said...

Just as stunning is how many NZers are caught up in protesting American issues -- not protesting on the basis of any principle, but protesting *as if* they are living in America.
Because they watch American news channels, it's as if they think they're actually there.

MarkT said...

But their protesting is perfectly consistent with identity politics. It's not about an injustice suffered by one individual from one police officer, it's about pushing a narrative of victimhood for minorities and "white supremacy".

Libertyscott said...

Remarkably anglo-centric of them to do so too.

Peter Cresswell said...

Indeed. If it were actually about justice, more actual injustice might have been removed.