Tuesday 1 March 2016

“Last night’s Oscars was the biggest gathering of smug, self-important asses in living memory”


“The American comic Toby Muresianu put it best: last night’s Oscars
felt like ‘three hours of being told to eat your vegetables.’ If there has
ever been a more grating gathering of smug, self-important asses
keen to educate the TV-watching blob about Serious Stuff, then I’m
struggling to remember it. …
    “Black people must have been counting their blessings. Sure,
being shunned by the 2016 Oscars might have seemed a bit iffy at
first, but what a stroke of luck it turned out to be to be left out of a
political freakshow in which Lady Gaga sang a ditty about campus
rape and Leonardo DiCaprio did his best impression of an earnest but
dim sixth-former … .”

~ Brendan O’Neill, from his article ‘Last night’s Oscars was the biggest gathering of smug,
self-important asses in living memory

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