Tuesday 22 January 2013

Mikkelsen shrugs? [updated]

Golfer Phil Mickelson may call it quits due to climbing tax rates.

[Hat tip Shaun H.]

UPDATE: Golfer Phil Mickelson Is Not Alone In Fleeing Taxes


Kiwi Greg said...

Should have read the article - it's a "tongue in cheek" left leaning poke at the mere idea that he would down clubs because of taxes.

Hal Incandenza said...

ROFL. Pwned yourself, classic.

Anonymous said...

Greg and Hal, not sure which article you read, but the CSM piece was short and to the point, neither "tongue in cheek" nor left leaning in its tenor.

Pwned. Classic.

Jeremy Harris said...

Phil can buy a St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship for about $250,000 USD, renounce his US citizenship and move to the Bahamas.

Instant 0% tax rate payable on income.