Friday 23 February 2007

They're reading Not PC where?

Top ten cities in which Not PC is being read this week.
  1. Auckland
  2. Wellington
  3. Sydney
  4. Christchurch
  5. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  6. Canberra
  7. Noumea, New Caledonia
  8. New York
  9. Cairo
  10. London
I love it -- although I must confess I'm a bit worried about the Canberra connection. Nobody there but bureaucrats and politicians. ;^) And no surprise about the most popular posts at present:
  1. Smacking is not beating
  2. Frank Lloyd Wright: Broadacre City
  3. Today's Bible reading: Divorce & Castration
  4. Smacking? You have to laugh!
  5. Beer O’Clock – Heineken Mini-Keg
  6. Death threats?
  7. It's about more than just smacking
  8. Libertarianz - Fighting for your right to party!
  9. NZ's Political Spectrum
  10. Aliens cause global warming?
No surprise about the popular searches either:
  1. cyfswatch mirror
  2. broadacre city
  3. "not pc" spontaneous order
  4. blog one tree point one tree point
  5. evening, fall of day
  6. cyfswatch
  7. "fabric of reality" freedomist
  8. pc sex
  9. knock school down
  10. nz herald 100 must see places nz


Sir Arthur Streeb-Greebling said...

pc sex?

Peter Cresswell said...

Every day. :-)

Libertyscott said...

but why does she have to look for it on your blog?

Libertyscott said...

Given the number one search for mine is "Jade Goody's tits" it gives a measure of MY audience.

Peter Cresswell said...

Don't worry, Scott. After Saturday's pre-match ceremony at Croke Park, they'll all be looking for 'Jade Goody shot.' :-)