Friday 23 June 2023

“Never make fun of someone if they mispronounce a word...."

“Never make fun of someone if they mispronounce a word. It means they learned it by reading.” 
~ Anonymous, but true

"Unless it's because they can't spell."

  ~ my addendum 

Some commonly mispronounced words:

  • "MY-nu-tay" =/= minutiae
  • "expresso" =/= espresso
  • "SUPER-lativ" =/= superlative
  • "HIPE-er-trow-fee" =/= hypertrophy
  • "MYE-zzld" =/= misled
  • "a-LEE-bee" =/= alibi
  • "lets" =/= lb = pounds
  • "whores DOV-res"=/= hors d'ouevres
  • "kein-oh-a" =/= quinoa
  • "ARK-sd" =/= asked
  • "ka-SHAY" =/= cache
  • "ep-i-toom" =/= epitome
  • "hyper-bowl" =/= hyperbole
  • "rOWt" =/= route
  • "rOWt"= rout
  • "ex-et-ra" =/= etc.
  • "in-FAY-mus" =/=infamous
  • "woo-min" =/= women
  • "ja=la-pee-no" =/= jalapeno
  • "con-TROV-issy" =/= controversy
  • "free-face' =/= preface
  • "en-vel-OPEd" =/= enveloped
  • "kwicks-ot-ick" =/= quixotic  

Some commonly misspelt and mispronounced words 

  • "mis-CHEEV-ious" =/= mischievous
  • "advocado" =/= avocado
  • "a-GREE-ince" =/= agreement 
  • "pro-NOUN-ciation" =/= pronunciation

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