Thursday 22 June 2023

YIMBY-left v NIMBY-left

"One ray of hope in the current political scene comes from the land of deep [green]. However one views the immense expenditure on solar panels, windmills and electric cars ... a portion of the [green] left has noticed that this programme cannot possibly work given laws and regulations that have basically shut down all new construction....
    "[There is a fight within the left. There is really a deep philosophical divide. On the one hand are basically technocrats who really do see climate as an issue, and want to do something about it. They believe their own ideology that time matters too. If it takes 10 years to permit every high power line, Al Gore's oceans will boil before anything gets done.
    "On the other side are basically conservatives and degrowthers. 'Conservative' really is the appropriate word -- people who want to keep things exactly the way they are with no building anything new. Save our neighborhoods they say, though those were built willy nilly by developers in the 1950s. (Palo Alto now applies historic preservation to 1950s tract houses, and forbids second stories in those neighborhoods to preserve the look and feel. How can you not call this 'conservative?') 'Degrowth" is a self-chosen word for the Greta Thunberg branch of the environmental movement. Less, especially less for the lower classes, not really for us who jet around the world to climate conferences. Certainly do not allow the teeming billions of India and Africa to approach our prosperity. I think 'deliberate impoverishment' is a better word. Some of it has an Amish view of technology as evil. And some is, I guess, just habit, we've been saying no to everything since 1968, why stop now."

~ John Cochrane, from his post 'Hope from the Left'

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