There are some travellers so dumb that … well, here’s the top twenty most ridiculous complaints made by British holiday-makers to their travel agents, starting with the “tourist at a top African game lodge overlooking a waterhole, who spotted a visibly aroused elephant, complained that the sight of this rampant beast ruined his honeymoon by making him feel ‘inadequate’."
Clearly a British tourist, eh. ;^)
"Clearly a British tourist, eh."
Shouldn't that read, "Clearly, a British tourist"?
P.S. Aren't you British? (Or do the Irish still deny that...?)
"Shouldn't that read etc ?
Yes, you're probably right.
Clearly, a writer.
PS: Neither British nor Irish, actually. We Enzedders down here tend to think of ourselves a whole new breed of mongrels. :-)
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