Monday 26 March 2007

What Al Gore wants; what he really, really wants!

What does Al Gore really want? Robert Tracinski has the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth:
Gore's exaggerated scientific claims are just cover for his real agenda.

Most reports on his testimony [to the US Senate last week] have neglected to mention the most important thing Gore said. Here is my transcription of the crucial passage, starting about four minutes into Gore's House testimony:

America is the natural leader of the world, and our world faces a true planetary emergency. I know the phrase sounds shrill, and I know it's a challenge to the moral imagination to see and feel and understand that the entire relationship between humanity and our planet has been radically altered. [Emphasis added.]

Get that? The real issue here isn't about carbon dioxide or global temperature readings or coal-burning power plants or federal fuel efficiency standards. It's about mankind's relationship to nature...

Gore's real agenda, as he's said clearly enough and often enough, is a moral one: he wants to set in concrete the ethical notion that man, whose very survival depends upon adapting nature to himself, needs to change this relationship, placing himself in a position of subservience to nature. As we've discussed before at 'Not PC' (here, for example, or here), this position is hardly tenable if either human happiness or human prosperity -- or even human survival -- is a value.

Tracinski argues, "Gore's global warming hysteria is really just a rehash of the old 'population explosion' scare," combined with "a second factor that requires us to alter our relationship with the earth," the very fact of our powerful technology and our ability to live well -- "our enormous, unprecedented prosperity" -- this is the reason we have to fear that we are doing "unintended harm." Concludes Tracinski:

This, then, is the essence of Gore's complaint: there are too many humans and they are too well off.

Gore can fix that.
And so can any other politician. To paraphrase an old joke: How do you get a country full of vibrant small businesses? Answer: Take a country full of vibrant large businesses, and get a politician to make it "carbon neutral."

UPDATE: Oops. Right on cue the Greens release their solution to make NZ a country of small businesses. An elegant solution, Russel calls it.

LINKS: What Al Gore really wants - Robert Tracinski, Real Clear Politics
A new environmentalism: Putting humans first - Not PC

RELATED: Global Warming, World Politics


Anonymous said...

Thanks for updating the link to my blog but it is called Capitalist Writer not Random Thoughts.

Now, on topic. Why does this Al Gore stuff not surprise me? Could it be because after using the filter of reason I saw through his smoke screen? Yes, I think that is it. And reading books like The Fountainhead, Philosophy: Who Needs It, and getting up to and page 580 of Atlas Shrugged (and slowly getting further) helped me to better understand this sort of thing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for the update. If I came across as fussy I am sorry, i didn't intend that.

Owen McShane said...

I have written an essay on the way the Environmental Law movement round the world has overturned one of our consitutional mainstays – the fudiciary duty.
See it at:

Anonymous said...

I love you Not PC! I was feeling really bored at work today and so a friend directed me to your blog. I haven't had such a laugh in a long time. What galaxy are you blogging from, may I ask? I really do get a great kick out of the importation of America's wholly assinine culture wars to NZ and how you guys swallow it hook, line and sinker.