Thursday 31 August 2023

"It's time NZ looked at our return on bureaucrats."

"It's time NZ looked at our return on bureaucrats.
    "In the year 2000 New Zealand had 1200 Bureaucrats working in the ministry of education. We had 2800 schools and according to the M.O.E we had 750,000 students. We ranked highly on international metrics such as the program for international student assessment (PISA) We were ranked fourth in reading, sixth in mathematics and fifth in science. Fast forward to today and student numbers have risen a little over 11% and the number of schools has decreased to 2600, but bureaucrat numbers have ballooned, nearly tripling, a rise of 166.7%. And what have we got for it? Nothing. In fact, we have gone backwards rapidly, now ranked 13th in reading, 27th in Math and 20th in science.
    "This same pattern is repeated across almost all Government departments...."

~ Nick Mowbray, from his looong tweet [hat tip Bob Jones]

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