Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Drink up. Don't forget.

Turns out again that Auckland University research proves again that one of my favourite drinking stories is true: alcohol increases memory. [Hat tip Lance]
"Low levels of alcohol promoted neutral memories, such as remembering objects," said [researcher] Dr Kalev. "However, contrary to popular belief, we also found that excessive levels of alcohol enhanced memories of highly emotional stimuli, meaning the concept of `drinking to forget' is unlikely to be true. Our work suggests that heavy drinking actually reinforces negative memories."
Looks like Tom Waits will have to rewrite 'Warm Beer & Cold Women.'


Greg said...

Your tax dollars at work! :)

Anonymous said...

This study was carried out on - would you believe - RATS!

So take whatever you like out of this senseless exercise.

Anonymous said...

That is actually what I have observed about myself (Anecdotal) when I usually have a prolong drinking session at the weekend. On Monday morning, I feel like my brain is re-charging a lot, compared to when I am sober.