Friday, 20 April 2007

Longer or shorter?

As a blogger, some posts are popular and some aren't. There's no way of knowing in advance which one will be which. Some posts are sent out into the world with great hope, posts of which the blogger feels particularly proud; posts perfectly and lovingly crafted; posts that the blogger feels really nails a topic.

Sadly, readers often tend to disagree. They'll often ignore the lengthy, lovingly crafted arguments and click instead on that nifty one-liner, or on the post of the dancing dead budgy posted on the same day somewhat further down the page -- and of course the customer is always right. If that's what they want, then that's what they want.

So what should a blogger do? Should I spend more time on longer, more thoughtful posts like yesterday's 'It's Not Easy Being Green' -- which began as a short note to myself, and quickly blew out to a lovingly crafted 2,000 words once I started typing in earnest -- but which attracted no comments and no links, or should I concentrate more on one-liners and dancing budgies?

Just thought I'd ask.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you type faster that we can read and think?


Anonymous said...

I find that reading more than about 300-400 words on a computer screen is tough. Get distracted and you loose your place.

Maybe the age old solution of splitting the longer posts into two columns so that the eye doesn't have to track across the screen as far would help make longer posts more readable.

Dunno how you'd do that, but it's an idea

Lawrence of Otago said...

If I see a post approaching 2000 words, then I might make a note to read it later in the evening which has a 20% chance of occurring.

Up to 800 words I will read and digest, over 800 I start to skim.

I enjoy the Architecual pics. I consider the environmental posts as a database to be trolled, when I need ammunition for debates with the sheeple.


Lucia Maria said...

Do the type of posts you want to do, PC. When you start tailoring your posts to your "market", you run the risk of losing yourself. People come here because they want to read what you think. If you are inspired to write long articles, do so. Even if they are not necessarily useful immediately, they can be useful in the long run when you go back to see why you thought a particular thing. And you can use them to support shorter posts that you write in the future. In short, blog for yourself!

Anonymous said...

Agree with Lucyna. I actually prefer the longer posts. I find that although I don't read that great a number of blogs, those who tend to focus on shorter, punchy posts are either simply aiming to catalyse long debates in the comments section, or (alliteration alert) promulgating pithy propaganda, with little analysis of the source material or explanation of the basis of the blogger's opinion.


Berend de Boer said...

Max two pages, I also tend to skip things after the 4th page or so.

But not all subjects can be condensed. If it cannot be, don't condense. But light heard subjects, like this was, can be condensed.

People like me tend to read this site between waiting for a compile job to finish :-)

Berend de Boer said...

sigh, where's that edit button. light heard = light hearted.

Anonymous said...

I like things just the way they are but then that's my philosophy.

...except for commenters spelling lose as loose. Robert Winefield take note! Lucyna well done! This is becoming more and more common and I fear soon it will be the accepted alternative spelling.

Rebel Radius said...

Keep on trucking the way you have always done Pete. If some posts are not answered, it is because of the high quality of your content. Which more than not, requires and promotes thought and consideration. Certainly, not slap dash quickie retorts & generalisations.

This is one of the reasons why your blog is a cut above the rest.

Anonymous said...

Anything that annoys Berend and Lucyna,the Greens or other religious firebrands......;-)