The Times of London has examined the merits or otherwise of Sir Clive, based on assessments by the very players who won him the 2003 World Cup, and his reputation as a coach.

They begin by revealing that Jonny Wilkinson was once dropped for the 1999 World Cup Quarter Final on the basis of a dream that Woodward had the night before, and continue . . .
A Woodward joke among the players: why does Clive jump up and down in his seat when we score a try? Answer: because he’s never seen the move before. Was Woodward a good coach? The answer: a unanimous “no”, he left the coaching to the coaches. “Does he even class himself as a coach?” Will Greenwood asked rhetorically . . . As one player said: “People talk about Sir Alf Ramsey with absolute reverence. I don’t think that’ll be the case here.”
If you don't like what he writes, it's your role to move along - not his to change it.
I think this is very interesting, PinkPanda. Surely the aim of the game with blogs is to choose the ones you like, and the posts you like on the blogs you like, and comment if you have something to say, and zip it, or hit that little X in the top right hand corner if you don't, no?
Anyway, I have found this new information regarding Woodward interesting. In my book he is a big fat zero, and a smug git to boot. But it's particularly interesting to hear similar sentiments coming from the players, who are clearly in a much better position to know than I.
Now, if only the English would stop bleating about the frikkin haka, and Stephen Jones were to get fired from the Times, I'd be happy a pig in shit.
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