Thursday 19 September 2024

Occupational Licensing: Teachers union against more teachers

"What’s better, no teacher or a recently retired, though now deregistered one?
'An Otago principal facing relief staff shortages would rather use unregistered teachers than send his students home.. . . [But] PPTA Te Wehengarua president Chris Abercrombie said the “ad hoc” response ... meant thousands of young people would not be taught by trained and qualified subject-specialist teachers. . . [And] PPTA Otago regional chairman Kussi Hurtado-Stuart said the loosening of regulations [allowing this] was a 'short-sighted solution.'
"Surely a recently retired, albeit no longer registered, teacher would be better than no teacher? ..."
~ Ele Ludemann, from her post 'Union’s politics showing,' in which she submits "the union’s anti-Government politics" are on display here. I'd suggest however that this is less about the union's politics, and more about simply protecting its turf. Just like all occupational licensing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A similar situation occurred when I ran a finance company. One of the criteria was (obviously) that prospective borrowers supplied ID. Our acceptance people had great difficulty recognising an expired Drivers Licence - I used to say, "What do you think, a person's identity changes when their DL goes out of date?" and they genuinely couldn't understand what I was alluding to. It was like the government validation of a person's identity is more important than the person themselves.
As if a retired teacher isn't better than no teacher and that you can only be a good teacher if the government (and union) says you are. What bullshti!