Monday 4 September 2023

"Disinformation?" "You want disinformation, then look at the Green movement"

"'The green movement *is* a disinformation campaign’...
    "There has been a concerted effort since the 1990s to convince people that climate change is making natural disasters worse. ... But a disaster is defined by two things: deaths and costs. And we’re not seeing an increase in either. In fact, deaths from extreme weather events have actually drastically declined over the past century. Only a few hundred people now die each year from natural disasters in the US, for example. So the climate movement is undeniably a disinformation campaign....
    "In the recent cases in California, Greece and Hawaii, for example, it was bad fire prevention, bad forest management or bad grasslands management that played a key role. In the American cases, authorities failed to clear the area around electrical wires, which are often the trigger for fires. They also failed to stabilise electrical poles, which likely collapsed and contributed to the fires. Hawaii in particular did not have the proper kind of disaster preparedness, such as working sirens and widespread training, that would equip people to escape unharmed.
    "In the case of the Greek fires, we were told by the media that the main cause was climate change, then it emerged that arson was more likely to blame....
    "Blaming climate change only serves the interests of powerful politicians. ... to cede responsibility for their own failures. ... to raise money and demand more subsidies for renewables.
    "At the same time, stirring up predictions of a secular apocalypse feeds people’s spiritual needs.... to embody an almost superhero self-image... to sound the alarm and ultimately harmonise humankind with nature.... Telling people that they must play a role in avoiding the ultimate apocalypse serves a perfect storm of political, financial and spiritual interests all at once."

~ Michael Shellenberger, from his interview at Spiked: ‘The green movement is a disinformation campaign’

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