Monday 26 June 2023

The coup that went WTF

This description on Twitter of Prigozhin’s coup is spot on: 

“Yesterday the defenders of Russia decided to seize power in Russia.

Therefore, other defenders of Russia flew to kill the first defenders of Russia, but they themselves got killed.

And the Hero of Russia Prigozhin went to kill the Hero of Russia Shoigu.

Because of this, the Hero of Russia Kadyrov went to kill the Hero of Russia Prigozhin.

And because of this, the Hero of Russia Bortnikov opened a case against the Hero of Russia Prigozhin but immediately closed it.

Because the most important hero of Russia, Putin, first guaranteed that the traitors would be punished, and then guaranteed that they would not be.

And no one gives a damn about those very first defenders who were killed.

The main thing is that they are all defenders and heroes, and we can continue to be proud of what heroic defenders Russia has.“



Rex said...

This is priceless! But off topic (sort of) Elton John has made his last live performance also.

Peter Cresswell said...

That's great news, if true!