Wednesday 21 June 2023

"Secrets are a kind of currency...."


"Secrets are a kind of currency.... To see the full scale of Donald Trump’s betrayal of his country, it is necessary to start with this reality. He kept intelligence documents because, at some point, those secrets could be used in a transaction. What he was stockpiling were the materials of treason....
    “Trump went to great lengths to retain for himself, as a private citizen, the power to reveal to any foreign power not just US military secrets but the workings of US intelligence-gathering in those countries....
    “History is being made, but it is, like Trump himself, history unfolding the second, third, and fourth time as farce, so that its primary tragedy is buried under layers of absurdity....
    "With Trump, it’s always a mistake to equate anarchy with purposelessness or to think that the farce is not deadly serious. Trump’s hoarding of official secrets is both breathtakingly careless and utterly calculated. At the heart of that calculation is a cold resolve to not give up the power that access to highly restricted information had given him."

~ Fintan O'Toole, composite quote from his posts 'The Ultimate Deal,' and 'Bump and Grind'


Tom Hunter said...

Oh bugger off. The guy's name is appropriate and he's obviously another unhinged TDS sufferer, but really PC? I though you'd be a bit more detached from this crap.

Actually as an Objectivist with a great fear of State Power, I'd have expected you, of all people, to be shitting yourself over the US DOJ crap being pulled here - which in the case of the prosecutor, Smith, is following all the same tactics that have seen his previous cases and convictions given the boot. Threats against the defense lawyers to crack Attorney-Client privilege; drummed up repeating charges based on the same offence; process crimes (you "lied" to us). The only thing we can't be sure of - yet - is evidence of illegal wire-tapping, which is yet another reason why his previous convictions were booted.

You can read just a bit of this history here at Tearing Apart the Governing Consensus

FFS, you can despise Trump for a whole bunch of reasons, but buying into this crap?

At least I would have expected something along the lines of encouraging this as a way of destroying such State power. But apparently not as Trump Hate beats all.

Anonymous said...

Well said Tom, very disappointing to read Peter's obsession with this, and say nothing about DOJ over reach and politicization. A recent Harvard survey found 55% of all Americans believe the Trump indictments to be politically motivated.

Peter was largely responsible for my early interest in all things libertarian in the early 2000s and for that I'm grateful.