Tuesday 15 March 2022

What's worse than belief without evidence, & opinion without fact?

"It is bad enough that so many people believe things without any evidence. What is worse is that some people have no conception of evidence, and regard facts as just someone else's opinion."
          ~ a random thought of Thomas Sowell


Terry said...

This can be seen in action today in those who proclaim to be for freedom are against those who support Ukrainians in their fight for survival simply because the MSM and leftist Western governments (on any other day, the enemies of freedom) are supporting them too. There is a faulty logic at play here: X is evil and lies and supports Y, therefore because X supports Z, anyone who supports Z is in the wrong, even evil, and has bought the lie.

MarkT said...

I'm glad you can see that, at least on this issue. If you define your enemies and friends by whom your existing enemies do and don't like, you're actually subservient to your enemies. I think most anti-vaccine sentiment is subject to similar motivated reasoning (Ardern and other leftists are pushing it, therefore I should be against it).

Peter Cresswell said...

" I think most anti-vaccine sentiment is subject to similar motivated reasoning." Agree: I'm convinced that if she'd banned vaccines, many of those who are now anti-vaxxers would instead be out there now smuggling in the vials.