Monday, 8 June 2020

"Racism is not dead, but it is on life support -- kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as 'racists'." #QotD

"Racism is not dead, but it is on life support -- kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as 'racists'."
          ~ Thomas Sowell, discussed in the 'Q+A with Thomas Sowell'
[Hat tip Lee Atkins‎]


Anne Tiffa said...

Of course racism isn't dead.

It is kept alive by racists.

A few weeks ago, white people armed with semi-automatic weapons stormed the Michigan State capital [and also the Kentucky State Capital] and screamed into the faces of police officers [who were not dressed for a riot] and they were not brutalized, shot at with tear gas or rubber bullets, or arrested. In fact, the President of the United States urged the Governor to pay attention to them because they were angry.

Fast-forward a few weeks and we see unarmed people of color protesting peacefully all over the nation. They are shot at with rubber bullets, and tear-gassed, by police officers dressed for armed conflict; wearing riot gear, taking an aggressive stance against people who are protesting the on-camera murder of a black man on national television and calling for justice.

The same President called for more police brutality in response to these protests about police brutality.

Racism isn't dead, it is alive and well, flourishing because people refuse to call it out.

Max said...

"we see unarmed people of color protesting peacefully all over the nation"
this is where you lose credibility

Dinwar said...

That and describing the protests as "peaceful". The protests have done tremendous damage to the lives and property of black Americans. There are stores with signs pleading with the rioters to not destroy the stores--single mothers who need the income to feed their children, men who have worked all their lives to own stores that are now charred wreckage, people who's livelihoods are now gone.

You can't say "Black lives matter" and then destroy the lives of black people. You can't attack the police for brutality against your people while you yourself destroy the people you ostensibly are trying to protect.

You want to fight the cops? Fine. I get it. Fight the cops all you want--at least there's a reasonable justification for such action, and grave diggers need jobs too. But the instant you attack innocent people you reveal yourself to be morally bankrupt. The instant you deliberately harm the people you say you want to protect you prove that protecting those people was never the goal.

If these folks honestly believed black lives mattered, they'd have shot the first person to set fire to a store. That they encourage this behavior, rather than ending it, shows that they don't believe what they're saying.

Anne Tiffa said...

Some people cannot tell the difference between peaceful protestors and looters. The one is not the same as the other.

Much looting has been carried out by white people, there are videos of cops smashing shop windows. That suits the narrative that the protestors are violent, but if that were the case, there would be a lot of dead cops.